A Message from our CEO and founder
Flow Mortgage
Flow Mortgage CA
Published on January 3, 2022

A Message from our CEO and founder

Our Flow Mortgage team is proud to have helped so many homeowners throughout this year, in achieving the dream of owing a home and in lowering their mortgage rates with the lowest rates available in the industry. With our culture of transparency and honest upfront advice, we also helped many people to be in a position to qualify for a mortgage next year.

2022 should bring a lot of changes in the industry. With rising interest rates, that’s still the trend for the market this following year, we’ll see a lot of challenges but also a lot of opportunities. With higher rates, lenders are usually willing to loosen up guidelines and bring in new products. Our team will be here ready to keep you posted with industry news and to help you benefit from those.

Cheers to the New Year and Happy Holidays from everyone at Flow Mortgage!


Flow Mortgage
Flow Mortgage CA
Click to Call or Text:
(619) 371-3569